In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Mafia and Spiritfarer and why you shouldn't just add -vania to the end of everything. Also featuring a humorous element, racecar driving, and satisfying low-key panic.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about what they've been playing for the last six weeks and have some thoughts about unreality. Also featuring forgiving the moon, terrible Kids' Bop rap, and good friends from Greek myths
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Chrono Cross and The Outer Worlds and reflect on risk taking sequels. Also featuring dethroning Rockefeller, William McKinley, and the complications of parallel worlds.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about voice acting in video games and give their best efforts. They're still not very good efforts. Also featuring Kiryu impressions, small talent pools, and appreciation for the song "Beautiful Soul"
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Fall Guys and wonder if their memories have been wrong all this time. Also featuring getting the wrong Daylight Savings Time, real life obstacle courses, and eyeball eating.