In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about what they've been playing for the last six weeks and what do you know? It's more than just Animal Crossing. Also featuring powerful plants, the Wipeout-style appeal of Fall Guys, and the endless march of the clock.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Disco Elysium and there's just generally a lot of unintentional, somewhat comical death. Also featuring how taking off your pants increases your stats, refreshingly intentional politics, and what works as a TV show.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about games as escapism and reveal themselves as to-do list fanatics. Also featuring throwing molotovs, Fire Emblem University, and power fantasy 101.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Cooking Mama and Animal Crossing: New Horizons and also that Tamogotchi game for the DS, man that was a good game. Also featuring the whole Cookstar situation, Emma forgetting Puddles, and tool breaking points.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about pacing in games, especially the dreaded question...are games too long? Play horror movie sting. Also featuring a throwback, the benefit of game-like elements, and distractions before the main mission.