In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Chrono Cross and The Outer Worlds and reflect on risk taking sequels. Also featuring dethroning Rockefeller, William McKinley, and the complications of parallel worlds.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about voice acting in video games and give their best efforts. They're still not very good efforts. Also featuring Kiryu impressions, small talent pools, and appreciation for the song "Beautiful Soul"
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Fall Guys and wonder if their memories have been wrong all this time. Also featuring getting the wrong Daylight Savings Time, real life obstacle courses, and eyeball eating.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about the intersections between politics and gaming. This was all Madelyn's idea! Also featuring new conspiracy theories, the Animal Crossing approval process, and thoughts on the voting rallying cry.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Super Meat Boy and Ghost of Tsushima. That is just the one Ghost, despite how often they mess up the title. Also featuring super bad crunch, all the pretty colors, and Beat Saber meat chopping.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about what they've been playing for the last six weeks and who's the real parent of the Yakuza series. Also featuring memory and computers, what happens when you steal, and disappointing memories.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Fable and Valorant and go in deep to the "corn on the cob" level of your computer. That's the technical term. Also featuring being followed by flies, going for the headshot, and collateral damage.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about ownership in digital and physical media and the impermanence of life itself. Also featuring three letter acronyms, the birth of Steam, and why we like games in boxes.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Mass Effect and Sayonara Wild Hearts and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of complexity versus simplicity. Also featuring a dislike for patterns, everybody playing the good guy, and the death of angels and devils.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about remakes and remasters and what those words even mean really. Also featuring hot takes about lighting, hot takes about art style changes, and lukewarm takes on everything else.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Mirror's Edge and Wattam which go together like a nose and a top hat. Also featuring our bad reaction times, playing co-op games with kids, and the terrible sensation of falling.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about what they've been playing for the last six weeks and what do you know? It's more than just Animal Crossing. Also featuring powerful plants, the Wipeout-style appeal of Fall Guys, and the endless march of the clock.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Disco Elysium and there's just generally a lot of unintentional, somewhat comical death. Also featuring how taking off your pants increases your stats, refreshingly intentional politics, and what works as a TV show.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about games as escapism and reveal themselves as to-do list fanatics. Also featuring throwing molotovs, Fire Emblem University, and power fantasy 101.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Cooking Mama and Animal Crossing: New Horizons and also that Tamogotchi game for the DS, man that was a good game. Also featuring the whole Cookstar situation, Emma forgetting Puddles, and tool breaking points.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about pacing in games, especially the dreaded question...are games too long? Play horror movie sting. Also featuring a throwback, the benefit of game-like elements, and distractions before the main mission.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (999) and Maneater and go deep into shark psychology. Also featuring pseudoscience vs wrong science, the localization of puns, and Stinky Pete.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about what they've been playing for the last six weeks and make plans to destroy their sisterly relationship with Overcooked 2. Also featuring the lure of the gatcha, the dreaded Joycon drift, and how much Rean kinda sucks.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Borderlands and What the Golf and wonder how many people are wearing full Borderlands masks to encourage social distancing. Also featuring a dude in a strange land with strange forces, subway philosophers, and how somebody would golf Naruto.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about how we talk about video game genre and how everything is an action-adventure if you think about it. Also featuring missed connections, the draw of short episode lengths, and why Soulslike is a solid descriptor.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Deadly Premonition and Dreams, both games that reveal the darkness within the human psyche. Also featuring York on a skateboard, ownership issues, and putting a game engine in your brain.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about what makes a good game review and rage against the Metacritic machine. Also featuring Adam Sandler, the end of Die Hard, and spoiler culture.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Duke Nukem and Katana Zero and make exponentially more butt jokes than usual. Also featuring lying to therapists, one man's love for Oprah, and working mirrors.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk about what they've been playing for the last six weeks and fall into the world of the Mario live action TV show. Also featuring exploding particle effects, time travel theories, and how to add to your backlog while supporting BLM.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma talk Big Brain Academy and Daemon X Machina and bemoan the light weights of their brain. Also featuring the immense power of Dr. Lobe, the appeal of giant robots, and whether your brain is hot.