In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss EarthBound and Pyre, so turn up the volume! No, seriously, the track ended up quieter than usual somehow. Also featuring subtitles vs numbers, the hidden potential of sports, and weirdo parents.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma officially switch the topic of the podcast to their true passion: the weather. Also featuring the genetics of a thief, a distaste for pirates, and a concentrated ball of sugar.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Prince of Persia and What Remains of Edith Finch and talk about two different things at the same time. Also featuring tears for Waluigi, Emma using the word "stupid" too much, and the same set of spikes over and over and over.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma make a bold declaration about rhyming titles. Luckily, descriptions are okay even if they don't rhyme. Also featuring eight different games from Madelyn, a storm front of Kingdom Hearts 3, and hey, remember when these were short?
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Metal Gear Solid and Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom and wish the real president was as freaking cool as Mr. Roland. Also featuring looking from the outside in, some particularly good puns, and what the future has already looked like.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma record from the same room into the same microphone! It's a once in a year kind of moment, people. Also featuring the minute differences between grunts, embarrassing procrastinating habits, and The Last of Us Cart Racing.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Crash Team Racing and Danganronpa V3 and confuse everybody by saying ARUGALA back and forth a lot. Also featuring the word "interesting," what makes up a racing game, and whether or not the "u" is necessary.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma get a little bit carried away and almost make this side-quest into a full episode. Good for you listeners. Not great for editor Emma. Also featuring frustrating boss battles, the best name for a group of Phantom Thieves, and the intense pressure of farming.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Silent Hill and Yakuza and wonder about a time when DualShocks were not the only PlayStation controllers. Also featuring a guy with some serious drive, some guys trying to play games without their pinkies, and the faint sound of lawnmowers.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma try something a little different for the side-quest format. Also featuring bad weather metaphors, affectionate nicknames, and our best, not-very-good newscaster voices.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Devil May Cry and Nioh and come up with a new exclamation. Also featuring 5th grade English class, self-insert fanfiction, and pitch the new Taken movie
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk their last two weeks in gaming and reluctantly admit that they have not been doing much. Also featuring confusion about the date, frustrations with shields, and the introduction of a new health standard.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Perfect Dark and Little Nightmares for an uber-creepy episode- for April? Eh, it works. Also featuring Emma's nickname, Madelyn empathizing with the desire to eat everything, and an alien Elvis.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk their last two weeks in gaming and make some bad April Fool's Jokes... April Fools! They were great jokes. Also featuring some stylish clothes for Link, super chill presidents, and double-tasking American History.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Valkyria Chronicles and Overwatch, our newest old game and oldest new game currently in the hat. Also featuring anger management techniques, Madelyn's endless skepticism about everything, and the terror of voice chat.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk their last two weeks in gaming and agree that Cup Noodles are obviously the best thing ever invented. Also featuring Madelyn's once and future queen, the goshdarn freaking blood moon, and Emma's stellar voice acting abilities.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Ms. Pac-Man and Reigns: Her Majesty, a coincidental perfect combination for Women's History Month and International Women's Day! Also featuring our love of fruit (especially pretzels), Emma's questionable royal decisions, and a $3 demonstration of dedication to the podcast.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk their last two weeks in gaming and Madelyn has trouble being mean to virtual characters. Also featuring elevator problems, Ventus (I mean Ven) not Roxas, and the rare appearance of a nice person on Reddit.
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Planescape: Torment and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and marvel at the amount of words written cause holy crap these games got words. Also featuring our transition into a sports podcast, badly played games of Dungeons & Dragons, and displays of total ignorance.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk their last two weeks in gaming and have trouble remember what exactly they were called. Also featuring the death of a relationship, some hot gameplay tips, and "I'm Ventus! But you can call me Ven!"
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Team Buddies and Splatoon 2 and marvel at how much Nintendo ripped off the classic PlayStation game that only possibly exists. Also featuring some really violent mashups, the famous Talk This! test for local co-op, and a disco that makes the tent bob up and down in the air.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk their last two weeks in gaming and it turns out they've both been playing Persona, so have fun, listeners. Also featuring condescending name choices, just the right amount of death, and #spoilers
In this episode, Madelyn and Emma discuss Disney (Extreme) Skate Adventure and Player Unknown's Battlegrounds and question Disney's attitude towards licensing their characters in the early 2000s. Also featuring the trouble with acronyms, the dreaded $70, and more about everybody's favorite topic: loot boxes.
In this not-episode, Madelyn and Emma talk their last two weeks in gaming and Emma somehow continues to know more about Breath of the Wild than Madelyn. Also featuring the old man troll, some boring stuff about wifi connections, and boyfriend slave labor.
In this special episode, Madelyn and Emma celebrate the podcast's one year anniversary by revisiting the games that started it all for them- Uncharted and The Legend of Zelda. Also featuring role reversals, reflections on our past year of podcasting, and going back to our long tradition of hardly talking about the games at all